Getting started

To begin with development you will need to know a few things first:

  • What vehicle type you want to use (e.g. train)

  • Who operates the vehicle (e.g. Deutsche Bahn / DB)

  • What country is the operator from (e.g. Germany)

With this information you can get the needed module from the package onboardapis.<vehicle-type>.<country>.<operator> and import the API wrapper class from it.

Let’s say you want to use the on-board API of Deutsche Bahn trains in Germany, which is called the ICE Portal.

from onboardapis.trains.germany.db import ICEPortal

Every implementation of an API wrapper class is a subclass of the abstract class of its vehicle type (here Train) found in the vehicle package.

from onboardapis.trains import Train
from onboardapis.trains.germany.db import ICEPortal

assert issubclass(ICEPortal, Train)
assert isinstance(ICEPortal(), Train)

The abstract base class defines common attributes that are used by all implementations.

For example, the Train class defines the attributes speed and delay alongside with the current station (the next station you will arrive at) and others.

from onboardapis.trains.germany.db import ICEPortal
from onboardapis.utils.conversions import ms_to_kmh

train = ICEPortal()

    "Travelling at", train.speed, "m/s",
    f"({ms_to_kmh(train.speed):.2f} km/h)",
    "with a delay of", train.delay, "seconds"

    "Next stop:",,
    "at", train.current_station.arrival.actual.strftime("%H:%M")

    f"Distance to {}:",
    f"{train.calculate_distance(train.current_station):.1f} km"

And there you go! You can read more information about available attributes in the onboardapis.trains package.